

Life in The Eucharist is a Eucharistic Evangelisation project which began in Texas 28 years ago. A Blessed Sacrament priest Fr. Bob Russo visited Scotland and planted the seed of Life in the Eucharist in a group of people in the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in Glasgow. 

LITE, as Life in The Eucharist has come to be known, is a retreat for adults to help deepen understanding of the Holy Mass and to recognise the implications of our relationship with Jesus in our daily lives. It has grown robustly over the years evolving from its original intention of Eucharistic Evangelisation led by lay people, for lay people, under the spiritual direction of a Blessed Sacrament priest. 

The programme hinges on the power of witness, so we encounter men and women in the workplace, stay at home people with families, people on the street, who are able to deeply reflect on how they have encountered Jesus in the Eucharist in their everyday living. This is the essence and beauty of what The Life In The Eucharist brings to the Catholic community. 

During Covid the work of LITE was obliged to be put on hold, however this gave the team the opportunity to introduce and establish the world acclaimed “EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES OF THE WORLD EXHIBITION” which they have subsequently taken into Parishes, Universities and Schools across Scotland, England and Ireland. The exhibition was entirely collated and documented by the young BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS before his premature death at the age of 15 in 2006. Carlo was beatified in October 2020 and has been re interred in Assisi beside St. Francis of Assisi. His wonderful exhibition has now travelled to every continent of the world and is currently being translated into 21 languages. When canonised, Blessed Carlo will become Patron Saint of the Internet. 

LITE’s original Spiritual inspiration was derived from St Peter Julian Eymard, a 19th century French priest who from his childhood felt intuitively that God was making a claim upon his life, culminating in a time where he could read his life entirely through the Eucharist. St. Peter Julian is now known as the “APOSTLE OF THE EUCHARIST”. Project work with lay people filled Fr. Eymard’s life’s work. He willingly worked with lay men and women to creatively communicate the message“ TO PROCLAIM THE REIGN OF GOD IN THE EUCHARIST”. In 1859 St.Peter Julian Eymard founded the AGGREGATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT specifically for lay men and women. Fr. Eymard had a universal vision of the church, recognising that whoever populates the church from the Holy Father to the newest baptised Catholic has a role to play in proclaiming the reign of GOD IN THE EUCHARIST. He also became the founder of two religious congregations.

At this time the Foundress of the EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS, EMILE TAMISIER was also successfully working to establish her similar Eucharistic movement.